27 October 2013


Recent Psychological News Pieces that I have found interesting

Research Digest 'Super Week': Since I am so interested in abnormality, I especially like to hear of cases where abnormality is viewed in a positive light, almost as if it is a super-power!

Young children with autism are more trusting than other children: I think autism is a very interesting disorder!

Why it's apt - psycho-acoustically speaking - that Darth Vader wasn't called Barth Vaber: interesting from both a psychological and linguistic perspective

What makes an internet video go viral?: since I love watching youtube videos I enjoyed finding out what makes them so popular

Comparing children's sharing tendencies across diverse human societies: could be interesting to apply to the nature/nurture debate

Want people to trust you? Try apologising for the rain: this could have some good practical applications! Connects to the things I've learned about phatic talk in English Language

Thor doesn't nail it in 3D: since I plan on going to see this film, this article was both helpful and interesting

Brain Gallery: this is really entertaining, I love it!

The 4 Ways You Can Use Body Language To Influence Success: practical tips backed up by psychological facts!

Attractive adults gain the trust of children more easily This is interesting research. I wonder whether it has an evolutionary basis - the more attractive, the less likely someone suffers physical abnormality. This could link to ideas of mental abnormality - those with good mental health are more likely to give trustworthy information and children may instinctively pick up on this.

Racism, mental health and depression: this is quite sad

The role of kissing in choosing a partner: these findings make a lot of sense, they have application in real life

Psychopathic traits young people: Psychopaths seem to be a popular topic for investigation at the moment, the research is compelling

Prenatal depression and the child's health: takes a very biological 'nature' approach to the mood disorder. I have learned about family studies like this for unipolar depression in A2 Psychology and this research links well.

The attractiveness of deeper male voices: it would be interesting to investigate the evolutionary basis to this and also to investigate how these attitudes may have changed over time

Cognitive therapy can help anxious patients: this is interesting as it links to the content of A Level Psychology - anxiety disorders (phobias and OCD)

How students adapt to university life: this was particularly relevant for me, since I will be going to university next year! I am really excited for the change, yet understand the challenges it will pose

The delight of fright: this is appropriate for Halloween (a holiday which I love) and this has always fascinated me - why do we enjoy scaring ourselves with horror films, haunted houses etc. so much? This offered some insight. I would like to find out more on this topic!

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