21 September 2013


Psychology (and science in general) has changed me in many ways. 
If you were to ask me a year ago what I was afraid of I'd probably say the Paranormal - ghosts, demons etc. ect. However today these things simply do not bother me. Yeah, I'll get a bit freaked out watching Paranormal Activity or in bed in the dark when my thoughts are running away with me, but I have much greater fears. And these fears are based entirely on reality.
The thing that scares me the most nowadays are humans. The capabilities of the human mind, the unknowns of human behaviour, the capacity of humans for evil. I think of serial killers, psychopaths, neurological disease, mental illness, events such as the holocaust, torture and even the simple, often unintentional, ability of humans to ruin each other with emotions, and it terrifies me. This stuff is real. For every scary story, there's a person behind it who had the mental capacity to come up with such a horror, and to me, that is far more disturbing.

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